Exquisite Finishing


Cogent-Tek specializes in a wide variety of high-quality metal finishing services to enhance the physical and mechanical properties of fabricated metal components.

Metal finishing alters the surface of a metal workpiece to achieve specific characteristics. Following the initial metal component’s fabrication, finishing operations typically enhance one or more of the following properties:

Types of Finishing Available

Cogent-Tek’s experienced technical staff and state-of-the-art finishing equipment achieve a variety of finishes on almost any metal or alloy surface. Some of our finishing services include:

our work

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In addition to our finishing services, Cogent-Tek also performs various tests to assess the corrosion resistance of metal components, including:

Why Choose Us ?

Our Services Will Help Improve
Your Business

Strict Operating Procedures

Safety first, we ensure all operators are working in a safe environment.

Using the Latest Technology

Our machinery is top of the range. We're contstantly looking for ways to expand on our manufacturing capacilities.

Regular Customer Updates

We'll let you know exactly how things are going along the line. We can provide pictures and videos of any ongoing work.

Full Transparency

From order placement all the way through delivery, we'll promise you our professional and honest service.

Starting Is Easy

Finishing Is Hard

Contact Us

We are ready to answer any enquiry you have! Please feel free to contact us any time!
